Thursday, December 08, 2005

Xbox Madness

I am not a big into video game guy. So maybe that is why I am baffled at the hottest Christmas gift item: the Xbox 360. I mean I don’t have a problem with video games, they are a great way to have fun and relieve some stress. People are going nuts over this thing. I was at a party last night, I heard people talking about there being a 3 month waiting list just to buy one of these things. Go on eBay today and you will find the Xbox 360 going for as much as $800. How crazy is that. This is even crazier Microsoft Corp.’s Chief Executive Steve Ballmer can’t even find one of these for his own kids. You would think the guy that runs the company would have some lackey pull a couple of these things off of the line.
But I do understand the madness of trendy Christmas gifts. I can remember when I was a kid trudging to Toys R US with my dad on a never ending quest to find the only Cabbage Patch Kid in the city. I can also remember how big a deal it was to get an 8 bit Nintendo console. I actually wish I still had my 8 bit today.

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