Thursday, October 06, 2005

Are hymns Hip??

So I might be a little behind on this but, that is nothing new I was always a late bloomer. B that ut I have noticed lately hymns are making a come back. Especially in the Christian market. You know what they say, every thing old will make a come back. I thought I would never say this, but I really like hymns. Well I do now. Here is some thoughts about hymns.
The one thing that I remember about the church that I grew up in besides wearing tight penny loafers is the hymns. I was never a big fan of them. I don't know if it was the words, the organ, or the choir, but hymns never did it for me. Now that I am older. I am starting to dig them more. I think I now realize that it is not the organ or the choir, or words for that matter. It is the imate bond between you an Christ. Some might say, that the words to songs especially "worship songs" are the most important part. But I so no. I say it is the meaning behind the songs. How each peron intperts and gets out of the experience.
I mean I am a big fan of worship music. After my experience in Africa this summer my outlook on worship really changed. It is not about the music, or the person playing guitar. It is about me and God.
Singing worship songs is just one expression of worship. As one of my friends says, "Worship music is not worship, it is praise." Whatever it is, it is great. And I think the song does matter. To are an organic way of praising God. They bring you back to the roots of Christian's.
And some artist do a great job of bringing these old has-been songs back to life.
Albums like Passion: accient hymns make worship just a really rich time.
A couple weeks ago at the church I go to our worhip leader played one of my favorite hymns "Come Thou Fount" and to my surprise the sound level of the congregation increased two fold. And for a having a room full of college students, and adults mostly under 30 that is a pretty amazing.
Maybe this is just another trend that will die out sooner than later, but I am saying no. I am thinking that hymns are here to stay, just as they have for hundreds of years.

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